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We do it all, from Soil to Oil.

Hail Mary Strain

Our Hail Mary strain of hemp plants provide us with the purest, natural hemp oil.

In July 2017, Colorado Springs had its biggest hail storm which destroyed 75% of the hemp plants. We were gravely concerned about the viability of our remaining plants. To our surprise, the surviving plants came back better and stronger than anything we had been able to produce before. To clarify just what Hail Mary Hemp is, and is not, this (singable) statement may eliminate any confusion: “The name is Hail Mary, bit it aint Mary Jane.”

At Pure Hemp Supply, we only use pure USP grade ethanol to extract the full spectrum of phytocannabinoids and terpenoids present in our expertly grown hemp. By refining and innovating existing extraction methods we are creating our own proprietary methods for bringing high-quality hemp products to the consumer.

We call our perfect genetic strains “Hail Mary Hemp” and the reason we call the strains this is because in July of 2017, Colorado Springs had its biggest hail storm which destroyed 75% of the hemp plants, however, the quality of the surviving plants came back better and stronger. We only use pure USP grade ethanol to extract the full spectrum of phytocannabinoids and terpenoids present in our expertly grown hemp. By refining and innovating existing extraction methods we are creating our own proprietary methods for bringing high quality hemp products to the consumer.

Green Mart Hemp has a 49,000 square foot warehouse on 13 acres of land for our CBD research. We are able to grow hemp year round and control our temperature to produce a high quality and natural product. We spend so much time and money on research because we believe that quality hemp comes from quality genetics.

Pure Hemp Supply CBD is the final product of Green Mart Hemp cultivation. Through Green Mart Hemp, Pure Hemp Supply brings the consumer the most pure and natural CBD on the market today.

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